Trilingual Business Interpreter (TBI) | 中英日逐步口譯
This is the official English and Chinese homepage of BRENDA CHEN (Trilingual Business Interpreter - TBI), an Osaka-based interpreter (from 24th April 2023, the office will be relocated to Saikai-city in Nagasaki prefecture) offering consecutive interpretation service (Japanese-English-Chinese) to both medical (gastroenterology & endoscopy) and business companies across Japan.
On this website you can find information about TBI's professional interpreting services and rates, as well as BRENDA CHEN's background and profile. If you are looking for information on payment method and cancellation policy you can also find them here.
If Japanese information is what you need, please come and visit our Japanese website, which is the original homepage to TBI.
TBI specializes in business negotiations, meetings and conferences, onsite visits and factory visits, also events such as seminars, lectures, workshops and interviews. In addition, TBI also is experienced in fairs, exhibitions and medical forums specialising in gastroenterology and endoscopic therapy.
For any queries, estimates and quotes, please feel free to use the contact form. I look forward to serving you and your clients as the interpreter that connects and communicate for you!
※ Find us on FB!
歡迎光臨 BRENDA CHEN 的「中英日逐步口譯 (TBI)」的中英文官網。BRENDA CHEN 是位於大阪中心部的中英日三國語言的逐步口譯專業人員 (至2023年4月24日起工作室移轉(增設)到長崎縣西海市)。提供日本全國性的高品質逐步口譯。有二十年以上在廣告媒體,教育宣傳,翻譯仲介公司,醫療器材等業界的翻譯經驗。專攻商務・商業上的各種交涉與會議場面 以及棘手商談跟文化交流的逐步口譯。
If Japanese information is what you need, please come and visit our Japanese website, which is the original homepage to TBI.
TBI specializes in business negotiations, meetings and conferences, onsite visits and factory visits, also events such as seminars, lectures, workshops and interviews. In addition, TBI also is experienced in fairs, exhibitions and medical forums specialising in gastroenterology and endoscopic therapy.
For any queries, estimates and quotes, please feel free to use the contact form. I look forward to serving you and your clients as the interpreter that connects and communicate for you!
※ Find us on FB!
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歡迎光臨 BRENDA CHEN 的「中英日逐步口譯 (TBI)」的中英文官網。BRENDA CHEN 是位於大阪中心部的中英日三國語言的逐步口譯專業人員 (至2023年4月24日起工作室移轉(增設)到長崎縣西海市)。提供日本全國性的高品質逐步口譯。有二十年以上在廣告媒體,教育宣傳,翻譯仲介公司,醫療器材等業界的翻譯經驗。專攻商務・商業上的各種交涉與會議場面 以及棘手商談跟文化交流的逐步口譯。
在本站您可以找到關於 TBI 服務項目跟費用的詳細資料,以及 BRENDA CHEN 的簡歷與背景。您也可在此閱覽關於收費方式與取消費的詳細解說。
如果您需要日文資訊,歡迎按鍵光臨 TBI 的源頭網站 - BRENDA CHEN 的日文官方網站。
TBI 的專長在於 企業經營 | 會議交流 | 商談交涉 | 醫療醫學(消化器內視鏡內科,膽胰內視鏡術)的口譯,也歡迎業務隨行(例:工廠,醫院等),面試,演講會,展覽會,交易會,研習會,工作坊 等場面的中英日逐步口譯案件。
如果有任何疑問或是需要報價單,歡迎隨時聯絡我們。TBI 期待能成為您在日本商談以及商場上建立人際關係中的最佳溝通幫手!
※ 也歡迎來訪閱覽我們的FB臉書官頁:
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Welcome to Trilingual Business Interpreter - 關於本站 |
Business Interpreter | Medical (biliary-pancreatico) Interpreter : Japanese-English-Chinese
-- An interpreter that connects and communicates for you --