Trilingual Business Interpreter (TBI) | Japanese-English-Chinese
BRENDA CHEN (Trilingual Business Interpreter - TBI) is an Osaka-based interpreter offering consecutive interpretation service (Japanese-English-Chinese) to both medical (gastroenterology & endoscopy) and business companies across Japan (the office will be relocated to Sakai city in Nagasaki from end of April, 2023). If a good interpreter with more than 20 years of experiences in different business scenes and medical conferences is what you need during your visit or events here in Japan please contact TBI. Thank you !
* Born in Taiwan, 1976
* Raised in Taiwan and Australia, educated in Taiwan, Australia and Japan
* Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication, Australia, 2004
* Dual citizenship, Australia and Taiwan
* Visa status in Japan: Permanent resident
* Modes of interpreting: Consecutive
* Mother tongue: Mandarin Chinese
* Pseudo-native: English / Japanese
* Language pairs: Japanese-English-Chinese (in all directions)
* Specialization:
- business negotiations, meetings and conferences
- onsite (e.g. factory and hospital) visits and interviews
- seminars, lectures, workshops, fairs and exhibitions
- medical forums (i.e. biliary-pancreatic endoscopic therapy and gastroenterology)
Please feel free to contact TBI for a full CV or if you have any queries.
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背景 | 簡歷:
* 1976年台灣台北市出生
* 在台灣,澳洲,日本受過教育
* 澳洲跟台灣的雙重國籍
* 日本特別永居權(2019 年取得)
商業翻譯 | 醫療醫學翻譯:
* 翻譯方式: 逐步口譯
* 第一語言(母語):中文(Mandarin)
* 第二 / 第三語言: 英文 / 日文(兩者皆與母語程度相仿)
* 語言轉換: 中英日三國語言都可
* 專業領域:
- 商談交涉 | 會議交流 | 企業經營
- 業務隨行(例:工廠,醫院等),面試
- 演講會,展覽會,交易會,研習會,工作坊
- 醫療醫學集會(專長:消化器內視鏡內科,膽胰內視鏡術)
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Trilingual Business Interpreter - Profile 中英日逐步口譯|專家簡歷 |
Business Interpreter | Medical (biliary-pancreatico) Interpreter : Japanese-English-Chinese
-- An interpreter that connects and communicates for you --